Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random Association 2

This picture is an example of random association. This image shows a letter can be very expressive of our feelings. A letter from someone special can be a great companion even if they are not around us. This visualization of the imagination sends out a very clear messages to the viewer. No one would have visualize a letter that consist of merely words into something like this.

Random Association 1

Exercise that was given in class. ( Creating a scary image from a kitten's appearance )

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Exploration on analogy metaphor 5....

Life = A cup of coffee every morning controls our whole daily life.

Exploration on analogy metaphor 4....

Man = Man can look tame as a goldfish but each and every of them have a dangerous shark hidden inside them.

Exploration on analogy metaphor 3....

I am yearning for your love more than I yearned for a cup of water after eating a hot chilli.