Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Exploration on analogy metaphor 2....

This picture is an example visual analogy metaphor. This illustrated visual shows all the action and work occuring in a human brain. It uses simple illustration to show complicating science fiction.

Exploration on analogy metaphor...

Associated mind map....

Juxtaposition 2....

This picture shows juxtaposition. The colour difference between the outfits shows juxtaposition. The dull colours in the background gives emphasis to the blue outfit in front. And also the white hat has it function as juxtaposition in the image.
This picture also shows juxtaposition. The black and white background is a total contrast to the dog. The background gives an important and emphasis to the lying dog.


What is juxtaposition? According to the lecture by Mr.Mustafa, Juxtaposition (literary), synonymous with contrast, two objects or texts that oppose one another. Random juxtaposition, two random objects moving in parallel, a technique intended to stimulate creativity. In art, juxtaposition usually is done with the intention of bringing out a specific quality or creating an effect, particularly when two contrasting or opposing elements are used. The viewer's attention is drawn to the similarities or differences between the elements.

Associated mind map 2....

Mr. Radzi Bedu taught us about mind maps this week. He showed us so many examples of mind mapping. These are the few mind mappings that I found in Internet. I think these are really creative and its full of images to present ideas.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Method of creative thinking 2....

By doing this mind mapping, I actually realised more about myself. I took my own time to think about what I actually like and dislike in my life. By doing this, now I know what I should avoid in the future. Talking about the experiences of doing this digital mind map, I took more than five hours to do this simple mind mapping because as I said it took quite a while to get to know myself deeply. Another thing I realised, due to the assignment stress, I wasnt rewarding myself properly because it has been ages since I went to waterfall and enjoyed sunset.

Method of creative thinking....

From my own understanding, mind mapping is a tool that we use to jot down all our minor ideas and thinkings to produce a major and better one. Mind mapping can be done in many creative ways. Sometimes, the mind mapping will be only useful to those who created it since its all their own ideas and thoughts. But a creative and effective mind mapping should stimulate and create the readers' interest to explore more on the subject matter.

There are two method of creative thinkings; logical mind map and associated mind map. Logical mind mapping is comprises of stereotypes words. Stereotype simply means a characteristic that applied for a whole group of person.Stereotypes can be true or wrong. For example, all nurses are kind and patience whereas not all nurses are kind and patience in our country.Associated mind mapping uses general random words that have no connection between the links of words.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention 2...

This USB Flash Disk is designed as a keychain. This creation shows novelty since it has a different and new look compared to normal flash disk.( normal rectangle shape ) It has a very romantic reddish heart shape. It also shows innovation. The designer has improved the appearance and the purpose. Now its not only a flash disk but also a useful keychain. Creativity can be clearly seen in this design because this creation is not only unique and special but also it has its value as a flash disk and a keychain.

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention...

Creativity is the process of generating something new that has value. Being a creative multimedia student, I realize it is my duty to produce something creative but yet valuable. The perception of something as being new by a group of persons is known as novelty whereas innovation is the process of making improvements by using new and creative ideas. Novelty, creativity, and innovation must be fully utilized before presenting an idea. This ensure that we satisfy our customer even better. Every creative person runs up against a mental block from time to time. Getting out of it can be a challenge, which is why it’s important to keep our creative ideas flowing without thinking facts.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Defining creativity...

As I walked into the class, the classroom was over-flooding with students. My mind was keep wondering how this subject is going to be. Hard or easy? But the subject's name itself was attractive for me. As i settled down myself, the lecture began. The lecturer presented the lecture. It was about creativity. "Defining creativity'' that was the lesson's title that week. I learnt about the myths that have been created about creativity. Creativity is not hard. What is hard then? Why for some people designing is easy and for some its very difficult? Its because few groups of people does not take the initiative to develop their ability in creating something in a unique way. Besides that, I also learnt the three reasons why people are motivated to be creative.
1.need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation
2.need to communicate ideas and values
3.need to solve problems

In my opinion, creativity is very important in communicating ideas. Besides that, a creative solution is always needed to solve a very serious problem.
Personally, I would love to see more pictures and images that portray creativity as I believe my mind learn more from visuals than texts. And more visuals would have make the slides more interesting

Friday, July 9, 2010

Defining creativity 2....

This is my friend, Vithiyah. I designed her face into a table lamp's shed. I add in some details in her pictures to show Hawaiian elements such as the orchid. I also add in some texture on the shed to make it more realistic.