Saturday, July 10, 2010

Defining creativity...

As I walked into the class, the classroom was over-flooding with students. My mind was keep wondering how this subject is going to be. Hard or easy? But the subject's name itself was attractive for me. As i settled down myself, the lecture began. The lecturer presented the lecture. It was about creativity. "Defining creativity'' that was the lesson's title that week. I learnt about the myths that have been created about creativity. Creativity is not hard. What is hard then? Why for some people designing is easy and for some its very difficult? Its because few groups of people does not take the initiative to develop their ability in creating something in a unique way. Besides that, I also learnt the three reasons why people are motivated to be creative.
1.need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation
2.need to communicate ideas and values
3.need to solve problems

In my opinion, creativity is very important in communicating ideas. Besides that, a creative solution is always needed to solve a very serious problem.
Personally, I would love to see more pictures and images that portray creativity as I believe my mind learn more from visuals than texts. And more visuals would have make the slides more interesting

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