Monday, July 26, 2010

Method of creative thinking....

From my own understanding, mind mapping is a tool that we use to jot down all our minor ideas and thinkings to produce a major and better one. Mind mapping can be done in many creative ways. Sometimes, the mind mapping will be only useful to those who created it since its all their own ideas and thoughts. But a creative and effective mind mapping should stimulate and create the readers' interest to explore more on the subject matter.

There are two method of creative thinkings; logical mind map and associated mind map. Logical mind mapping is comprises of stereotypes words. Stereotype simply means a characteristic that applied for a whole group of person.Stereotypes can be true or wrong. For example, all nurses are kind and patience whereas not all nurses are kind and patience in our country.Associated mind mapping uses general random words that have no connection between the links of words.

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